Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Back in Dublin (Amazing)

New week, new resolutions. Or not...?

I’m slowly waking up – it’s still dark outside. I listen to the outside noises and enjoy being cuddled under the sheets. Is it time to get up yet? Nah, stay 5 more minutes. Enjoy the slow morning. THINK!
Think of what’s to come and what has passed. Enjoy the quiet time.

The light slowly starts to push through the clouds. A new day is coming. At that time yesterday it was a full blown day – it was still cloudy, but the city was wide awake. It was a different country, a different time zone, even a different latitude.
Today I’m up north. It’s only one-hour time difference, but the change is visible.
There - it was day-light, here - it’s still dusk. There – there was snow, here – there are just bare tree branches through the window and some remaining dampness on the sidewalks.

Daylight finally filters through the semi-pulled curtains. It’s time to kick-start the day. Shower, breakfast, and the to-do list.
Five more minutes in bed – check your e-mails, take a sneak peek at your FB feed, see what else is lined up for your attention. Ah, something new from Peter Hollens, a pile of videos actually. Yet, what attracts my attention are the lyrics in a medley: “…you’re amazing, just the way you are”.

A perfect line to start the day.

Happy Wednesday.

Friday, 1 January 2016

NY Resolution

One of my BFF's has been pushing me to start writing. I've always said that it's not my cup of tea. I don't mind telling stories, sharing impressions and photos, but writing... it's always been pain in the as*s. 
Even at school I always preferred oral to written exams. 

But she kept repeating that I'm good with words.

On the other hand what you write stays. It may reach audiences you haven't intended it for... and I hate sharing. LOL. Yep, my introverted Scorpio soul doesn't want to show up and show off. She prefers to be the grey general behind the chair. But my Leo rising sign tries to push trough and to lead, to show off. 

So here I am.

I've always been the soul speaker for my friends, but most of the time they didn't know what was happening in my own soul. I was the listener, the adviser, the supporter, the friend in need. I remember my other BFF calling me round 10 pm one eve, being totally pissed off and her line a while later - "I knew I had to call you, that you'd understand. I feel much better now. Thank you."

Well, this is about to change. I've had this blog page for years, but as you see there aren't many posts here. From now on, there will be. 

I take it as a personal challenge for this year. To write more. To share more. To enjoy doing it. To find more inspiration in writing and to embrace it. 

So, hello world. I'm coming. 

Some posts may be long. Others short. Or just an inspirational thought I've seen somewhere. I'll try to add something every day... and catch up with the impressions from the last couple of months. So don't be surprised if you spot backdated posts.

I'll also keep my other blog. The poetry one. Yep, D, you didn't know about it, did you? My poetic muse ran away somewhere, but I do hope it will come back to me this year. 

This is my NY resolution - to live more consciously, to enjoy life more and to write about the things that have attracted my attention.

Thank you D for being a BFF and for pushing me out of my comfort zone. I miss you.