I’m slowly waking up – it’s still dark outside. I listen to the outside noises and enjoy being cuddled under the sheets. Is it time to get up yet? Nah, stay 5 more minutes. Enjoy the slow morning. THINK!
Think of what’s to come and what has passed. Enjoy the quiet time.
The light slowly starts to push through the clouds. A new day is coming. At that time yesterday it was a full blown day – it was still cloudy, but the city was wide awake. It was a different country, a different time zone, even a different latitude.
Today I’m up north. It’s only one-hour time difference, but the change is visible.
There - it was day-light, here - it’s still dusk. There – there was snow, here – there are just bare tree branches through the window and some remaining dampness on the sidewalks.
Daylight finally filters through the semi-pulled curtains. It’s time to kick-start the day. Shower, breakfast, and the to-do list.
Five more minutes in bed – check your e-mails, take a sneak peek at your FB feed, see what else is lined up for your attention. Ah, something new from Peter Hollens, a pile of videos actually. Yet, what attracts my attention are the lyrics in a medley: “…you’re amazing, just the way you are”.
A perfect line to start the day.
Happy Wednesday.